In honor of women’s day, workshops about the importance of women access in STEM careers were held at UTPL (Ecuador), where more than 100 students from three different schools in the town participated. The general theme of the workshops was called “Women in Engineering” its objective was to socialize the […]
Yearly archives: 2020
The University of Guadalajara collaborates with the W-STEM project in its objective of improving the strategies and mechanisms of attraction, access and orientation of women in STEM higher education programs in Latin America In this regard, representatives of the W-STEM project participated in events carried out by the institution that […]
University of Oulu published a new Gender Equality and Diversity action plan—a GEP for years 2019–2022, which is the seventh in order. The first one was drafted already in 1997. The brochure recaps the current tasks of the gender equality work at the university and it is published today—the national […]
On May 10th, UTB commemorated the International Women’s Day. Members of the university answered the question: How can you contribute to a world with gender equality? We also invite them to take a photo and upload it on instagram and use hastash #mujerutb #eachforequal #wstemproject
In celebration of International Women’s Day, TU Dublin welcomed students from local secondary schools to take part in the interactive workshop – Let’s talk about your dream job. The event was organised by the College of Sciences and Health at TU Dublin as part of the W-STEM project. TU Dublin […]
On Thursday, March 5, UTB participated in the First Meeting of Turbaneras women “for the rights of women and an egalitarian future” within the framework of the commemoration of International Women’s Day. The meeting took place at the House of Culture of Turbana, Bolívar. The event was organized by Ms. […]
The team of W-STEM has prepared a collection of videos to answer one question: How will we support a gender equal world through W-STEM project? Scientifics, professors, university authorities, and students from different Latin American and European institutions have shared the actions for equality in STEM that they will implement […]
On February 28th members from the Uninorte team of the W-STEM Project made a visit to a secondary school in Barranquilla and gave a talk to a group of 20 girls of junior year. This pilot of our attraction campaigns consisted of a talk where the importance of having more […]
Workshops were developed with girls from 7-13 years. Every 15 days we met to make experiments and show how girls can make science! Activities were hold at a marginal region of Costa Rican metropolitan area.