Following the success of the first conference held in Salamanca (Spain) in September 2021, the II International Conference on Educational Innovation with a Gender Perspective is organised in collaboration with the XII International Conference on Virtual Campuses (JICV’22) and is organised by the GRIAL Research Group of the University of […]
Latin America
On Sunday, December 5, 2021, W-STEM was part of the Communities Summit organized by TechnoLatinas ( An event whose main objective has been to promote the inclusion and development of people who identify themselves as women in technology or want to enter this industry, through an inclusive and intersectional perspective. […]
The W-STEM project will be present at the inaugural session of the first edition of the International Meeting on Research and Innovation in Basic Sciences organized by the Department of Mathematics and Basic Sciences of the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga (Colombia). The inaugural conference, under the title “The W-STEM project […]
The XIII LAWCC was held as part of the XLVII CLEI (Latin American Computer Conference) on 28 October 2021 in online format. The main objective of this Conference is to highlight the research, interest and achievements of women in the computing areas. The conference provides a space to promote women […]
The XIII LAWCC will be held as part of the XLVII CLEI (Latin American Computer Conference). Its main objective is to highlight the research, interest and achievements of women in the various areas of computing, with the intention of encouraging the active participation of more women. In the presentation of […]
The Universidad Técnica del Norte, through the International Project, “Building the future of Latin America: engaging women into STEM”, organized an event “Virtual Fair of STEM Projects” as part of the attraction campaigns. This activity was intended for high school students of the Educational Units of the province. The Virtual […]
The XII edition of the Latin American Women in Computing Congress (LAWCC) took place on October 19th 2020 within the framework of the XLVI Latin American Conference on Computing (CLEI) organised by the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (Ecuador) from 19 to 23 October 2020. This edition counted with Germania […]
Students from the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Costa Rica organized “Semana C” (Week of Science) during 21-25th of September. W-STEM participated with a forum where we exposed numbers regarding students enrolled in STEM careers and 5 female professors shared their experiences as women in a STEM career.
The Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso and the international project W-STEM organize the online training course “Introduction to robotics with Arduino”. It is an online course aimed at school teachers who want to learn new ways of teaching and develop the interest of their students, and especially women, in engineering […]