The University of Guadalajara collaborates with the W-STEM project in its objective of improving the strategies and mechanisms of attraction, access and orientation of women in STEM higher education programs in Latin America In this regard, representatives of the W-STEM project participated in events carried out by the institution that […]
In the frame of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Uninorte organized some activities with the aims of empowering girls and creating awareness of the problematic: a talk about why is it important to have more women in STEM and how media has invisibilized the role of […]
On 12th February 2020 there will be an event in occasion of the Celebration of the International Day of Women in Science. It will be a time to reflect on the past and on the history of women engineers in Politecnico di Torino, on the present, with three talks from […]
Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar celebrated on February 11th the International Day of Women and Girls in Science with several activities. The day started with the event: “Coffee for the education of the girls and women”, where public and private entities were invited to learn about the initiatives developed to encourage […]
To address gender participation inequities in STEM, the Beautiful Patterns initiative was created at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) during 2017. This program welcomes women ages 13 to 17 to develop new scientific and technological skills while they become engaged in said professional areas. Based on Mexico’s worrying statistics […]
The Summer School of Politecnico di Torino “SAPERI: SPATIAL ABILITY PER L’INGEGNERIA” was designed for 4th-year high school girls. The event was based on Prof. Sorby spatial ability course and the main objective was to raise knowledge of one’s potential and improve personal abilities. The Summer School took place from […]
The annual event “Just the Woman I am” takes place in Turin once a year and it is planned to celebrate the Woman’s Day and at the same time support university’s research. This event is about sport, culture, wellness and charity and it is a celebration of women, of an […]