During the week before the commemoration of the International Women’s Day, Tecnológico de Monterrey celebrated plenty of events related to gender issues and women representation in several aspects of student life. To join these activities, W-STEM proposed an open dialogue between STEM students and share their experience with attendees. Topics […]
Northern Regional College is marking International Women’s Day 2020 by hosting a series of events to celebrate the College’s involvement in the Women in STEM project. The theme for International Women’s Day 2020 is #EachforEqual and next week’s events are to promote opportunities for students by highlighting the College’s engagement […]
In honor of women’s day, workshops about the importance of women access in STEM careers were held at UTPL (Ecuador), where more than 100 students from three different schools in the town participated. The general theme of the workshops was called “Women in Engineering” its objective was to socialize the […]
The University of Guadalajara collaborates with the W-STEM project in its objective of improving the strategies and mechanisms of attraction, access and orientation of women in STEM higher education programs in Latin America In this regard, representatives of the W-STEM project participated in events carried out by the institution that […]
On Thursday, March 5, UTB participated in the First Meeting of Turbaneras women “for the rights of women and an egalitarian future” within the framework of the commemoration of International Women’s Day. The meeting took place at the House of Culture of Turbana, Bolívar. The event was organized by Ms. […]
The team of W-STEM has prepared a collection of videos to answer one question: How will we support a gender equal world through W-STEM project? Scientifics, professors, university authorities, and students from different Latin American and European institutions have shared the actions for equality in STEM that they will implement […]
Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar celebrated on February 11th the International Day of Women and Girls in Science with several activities. The day started with the event: “Coffee for the education of the girls and women”, where public and private entities were invited to learn about the initiatives developed to encourage […]
To address gender participation inequities in STEM, the Beautiful Patterns initiative was created at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) during 2017. This program welcomes women ages 13 to 17 to develop new scientific and technological skills while they become engaged in said professional areas. Based on Mexico’s worrying statistics […]
UTN organized in December several events aimed at women students from first to tenth level of the Faculty of Engineering of Applied Sciences – FICA – UTN. With the objectives of spreading the Project to female students of the faculty and visualizing the presence of female teachers in engineering. On […]