W-STEM Consortium has worked since 2019 to reduce the gender gap in STEM by changing and improving the strategies and mechanisms of attraction, access, retention and guidance in Higher Education. We have worked across 10 countries and 15 institutions looking for ways to mainstream the reduction of the gender gap in STEM by involving decision-makers and changing institutional processes.
The book “Women in STEM in Higher Education: Good Practices of Attraction, Access and Retainment in Higher Education” shares part of the knowledge generated during the project as well as other experiences in Europe and Latin America. It contains research, experiences, studies, and good practices associated with the engagement, access, and retention of women in the STEM disciplines. It also discusses strategies implemented by universities and policymakers to reduce the existing gender gap in these areas. The chapters provide an overview of implementations in different regions of the world and provide numerous examples that can be transferred to other higher education institutions.
The chapters are:
- “A Model for Bridging the Gender Gap in STEM in Higher Education Institutions”. Alicia García-Holgado, Francisco José García-Peñalvo
- “A Review of Irish National Strategy for Gender Equality in Higher Education 2010–2021”. Julie Dunne, Ayesha O’Reilly, Ashley O’Donoghue, Mary Kinahan
- “Making and Taking Leadership in the Promotion of Gender Desegregation in STEM”. Mervi Heikkinen, Sari Harmoinen, Riitta Keiski, Marja Matinmikko-Blue, Taina Pihlajaniemi
- “Reflections on Selected Gender Equality in STEM Initiatives in an Irish University”. Michael Devereux, Elizabeth Heffernan, Susan McKeever, Julie Dunne, Leslie Shoemaker, Ciarán O’Leary
- “Balance4Better: “We Are HERe” More Than a Gender Campaign”. Maria Giulia Ballatore, Claudia De Giorgi, Arianna Montorsi, Anita Tabacco
- “Promoting the Participation of Women in STEM: A Methodological View”. Lucy García-Ramos, Rita Peñabaena-Niebles, Amparo Camacho, Maria Gabriela Calle, Sofia García-Barreneche
- “Women Retention in STEM Higher Education: Systematic Mapping of Gender Issues”. Esmeralda Campos, Claudia Lizette Garay-Rondero, Patricia Caratozzolo, Angeles Dominguez, Genaro Zavala
- “Mentoring Female Students in Engineering as a Way of Caring”. Patricia Jiménez, Jimena Pascual, Andrés Mejía
- “Gender Perspective in STEM Disciplines in Spain Universities”. Encina Calvo-Iglesias, Irene Epifanio, Sonia Estrade, Elisabet Mas de les Valls
- “Examples of Good Practices in Erasmus+ Projects that Integrate Gender and STEM in Higher Education”. M. Goretti Alonso de Castro, Francisco José García-Peñalvo

The open access book is edited by Francisco José García-Peñalvo (USAL), Alicia García-Holgado (USAL), Angeles Dominguez (ITESM) and Jimena Pascual (PUCV) and published by Springer as part of the book series “Lecture Notes in Educational Technology (LNET)”. Moreover, the publication has been possible with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union in its Key Action 2, “Capacity-building in Higher Education”. Project W-STEM “Building the future of Latin America: engaging women into STEM” (Reference number 598923-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP). The content of this publication does not reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Responsibility for the information and views expressed in the publication lies entirely with the authors.
You can download the chapters and the book at https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-1552-9.