The W-STEM project was presented in the International Conference of Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM 2019) at the University of León, Spain, on16 October 2019. The project was presented in from of 20 researchers, doctoral students, and professors from different international universities in a track focused on “Bridging the […]
Yearly archives: 2019
Talk with Deans and Directors of STEM from the University of Costa Rica and members of the National Academy of Sciences of Costa Rica. The subject: W-STEM project presentation and the talk “Sexism in academia”.
In this visit to the laboratories of the Faculty of Engineering in Applied Sciences (FICA) girls and boys of “Agustin Cueva Dávila” School observed and interact with all the implements of each laboratory of the different careers of the faculty. This activity allowed that the girls and boys observe the […]
Since 2012, each October 11 is celebrated the International Day of the Girl. The goal is to highlight and address the needs and challenges that girls need to face. For this reason, we promote the empowerment of girls and the fulfillment of their human rights. Thus, we developed an event, […]
As part of the work of the World Space Week 2019 and with the support of the W-STEM project, on October 7, there was a conference at the Centro Univesitario de Ciencias Exactas e Ingenierías (CUCEI), by Mtra. Aurea Carolina Gallardo Patiño, who gave the conference “Mexican Space Technology towards […]
The GRIAL Research Group from the University of Salamanca (Spain) and the Universidad del Norte (Colombia) presented a conference paper in the International Conference about Learning, Innovation and Competitivity (CINAIC). The conference paper is available in Spanish at and can be cited: García-Holgado, A., Camacho Díaz, A., & García-Peñalvo, […]
On September 26th we celebrated at Uninorte the “Uninorte Incluyente” day (Inclusive Uninorte Day), where the stories and needs of minorities were made visible to the community. Among these presentations, Lucy García -member of W-STEM Project- took the microphone to represent all women in STEM with her presentation “I’d blush […]
GRIAL Research Group (USAL, Spain) presented the W-STEM project in Universidad Nacional San Agustín de Arequipa (Peru). Attendants were professors from engineering studies and education studies, and future teacher students. The presentation used in Spanish is available: [slideshare id=186897800&doc=arequipa-191025193136]
The team from the University of Costa Rica (UCR) has developed two workshops for teachers in Limón, at the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica. First workshop developed with Primary School teachers at Limón on 22 August 2019 and the second workshop developed with Secondary School teachers on 23 August 2019. […]