Launch of the new student group: women engineers PUCV

On Wednesday 14 April 2021 at 17:30 the first activity of the PUCV student engineering group was held, which consisted of a talk by PhD. Nancy Zamorano entitled “Are we human beings or do we emerge?”

The PhD in Education and professor of the School of Industrial Engineering invited the students of the Faculty of Engineering to reflect, from the biological perspective of the radical constructivism of PhD. Humberto Maturana, how human beings emerge moment by moment in congruence with the circumstances, lived in coexistence with others. Thus we distinguish a “reality”, from our historical present in constant transformation, a present that today finds us participating in the network of conversations of the Faculty of Engineering of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.

This student group is promoted by the international Erasmus W-STEM project and seeks to generate opportunities for coexistence in order to accompany students who participate in careers where women are a minority, while generating opportunities for reflection and opportunities to creatively address, in community, the problem of the gender gap in engineering careers.

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