STEM Women in Social Networks

Cinthia Reyes

PhD in IT with a focus on education, with experience in social entrepreneurship. She promotes science and shares chemical engineering classes on Youtube and FB. She has participated as a keynote speaker in education conferences and in science popularization panels in spaces such as Talent Land.
Social networks:
Dissemination channel:
Videoclasses channel:
@profcinreyes in Instagram
FB page:

Nataly Pozo

Electronic and Control Engineer from the National Polytechnic School of Ecuador and M.Sc. Electrical Power from Newcastle University, United Kingdom. Passionate about Renewable Energy, Smart Grids and their industrial applications. Creator of the project “I want to be an engineer”, which seeks through social networks to support and attract more young women to study engineering. She is also a mentor for the IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Chapter.
Social Networks: 
@quieroseringiera in Instagram
Facebook: Quiero ser ingeniera
Tik Tok: @quieroser_ingeniera

Carolina Rodríguez

Carolina Berenice Rodríguez Garza is Mexican and has a doctorate in astrophysics. Her area of specialization is radio astronomy.
Instagram: @lamujercohete
Facebook: @lamujercohete

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