23 April
16:30 – 18:00 CEST
9:30 – 11:00 COT
Fully in Spanish
Live streaming on Youtube and Facebook
Online roundtable discussion with the participation of female students and graduates of ICT-related degrees from Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, United Kingdom and Spain. It will be streamed live on Facebook and Youtube. The attendance will be female secondary school students in Latin America, who will submit their questions online through Facebook and Youtube.
Link of the event in the official website for Girls in ICT Day: https://bit.ly/3afu03a
It begings at: 17:30 EEST (Finland), 16:30 CEST (Italy, Spain), 15:30 WEST (Ireland, UK), 10:30 GTM-4 (Chile), 9:30 GMT-5 (Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico), 8:30 GMT-6 (Costa Rica)
Adriana Carolina Buelvas Bohorquez
Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar, Colombia
My name is Adriana, I was born in Carmen de Bolivar, Colombia. Since my childhood I have been very active and in the different schools I have been in, I have been motivated to carry out activities that involve research, science, creativity. I am from the Systems Engineering Program of the Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar in the city of Cartagena, Colombia. During the career I had the opportunity to work in different companies, due to the great demand of women in the Systems area. I did a professional exchange in Mexico for one year in a software development company. I currently live in this country and I continue to work for this company.
Ana Laura Monge
Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica
Born in 1997, Ana Laura was raised in Cartago, Costa Rica and finished her studies in Computer Science at Universidad de Costa Rica in 2019 and has been working as an IT Application Manager at Procter and Gamble for a little less than a year. As the middle sister in a family full of engineers deciding on STEM career was not surprising. With a passion for learning she is currently getting her Master’s degree and studying portuguese. Some of her hobbies include travelling, stargazing and yoga.
Annye Braca
Technological University Dublin, Ireland
My name is Annye, I'm from Venezuela, I come from a family of farmers, I'm a systems engineer, I'm also a technician in aeronautical communications, I traveled to Europe to study a master's degree in Big Data and Machine Learning that I finished in 2017 at the moment I'm doing a doctorate in persuasive systems with a focus on motivation for study and self-improvement in young people. In my free time I practice swimming and tennis with friends from the university.
Bertha Brenes Brenes
Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Costa Rica
She is 23 years old, from Tucurrique, Cartago, Costa Rica. She obtained a technician in industrial electronics at the Colegio Vocacional de Artes y Oficios (COVAO). She is currently studying Computer Engineering and is an assistant in the GoTouch research group at the ITCR Computer Research Center. She has done an internship in the LISIS-IFRIS laboratory in collaboration with INRA, Paris, France where she worked on mining and data analysis of the impact of agroecology on Central American social networks. She is passionate about technologies as tools for an inclusive society, as well as indigenous culture and worldviews, dance and sports.
Daniela Vizcarra Bernal
Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico
19 years old. Third semester student of cucei's computer engineering degree. She participated in a program by unicef, was a contestant in ideaton (epicenter) and won third place and first at the semester level, she was also a facilitator in the same contest a year later and is currently a mentor in technovation girls.
Esther García Serrano
University of Salamanca, Spain
Computer lover since she was a little girl. Technician in microcomputer systems and networks and Senior Technician in multi-platform application development. Currently, student of computer engineering at the University of Salamanca.
Fernanda Andreani
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile
Gabriela Sepúlveda
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
She is undergraduate student of Civil Engineering in Computer Science and she works as a Security Analyst in the times when she is not studying, is a member of the winning team of the second version of OAS CyberWomen Challenge Chile, which seeks to promote the participation of women in cyber security.
Jhenifer Dayana Guagala Andrango
Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ecuador
She's a reader and a weaver in her spare time. Bachelor of Science from the Ibarra National School. She is currently studying for a degree in Mechatronics Engineering at the Universidad Técnica del Norte.
Karla Gabriela Perales López
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
Karla Rodríguez
Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador
Karla is 24 years old and in 2020 she obtained her Engineering degree in Electronics and Telecommunications from the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL). Before obtaining her degree she did an internship in Huawei and since February 2020 she has been working as a Core Engineer implementing the IMS network for the National Telecommunications Corporation. She likes to learn languages and plans to deepen her knowledge by studying a master's degree.
Kristell Rashel Urueta Páez
Universidad del Norte, Colombia
I'm Kristell Urueta: 20 years old, Barranquilla-Colombia. Soon to be a Systems and Computer Engineer and Master. Since I was a child, I have had the motivation to leave my mark on people, do things differently and achieve positive change in the world, and what better means than technology? I consider the IT world a wonderful means to impact society and enjoy the journey.
Luisa Fernanda Barrera León
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Engineer and Master in Systems and Computer Engineering, Universidad Javeriana. Professor of the same career for three years. In order to strengthen the female talent in the career, I created the ACM-W Javeriana chapter. Currently, she is a PhD student at the Politecnico di Torino.
Marta Cortés Orduña
University of Oulu, Finland
She is a PhD Student who works in the Center for Ubiquitous Computing group of the University of Oulu, Finland. Her research interests include Human-Computer Interaction, especially on tangible interaction with special focus on learning environments, although she has participated also in projects related to Smart City environments. After graduating in Fab Academy in 2018, her interest focus is on how digital fabrication supports the introduction of technology and, in general, digital skills as part of the 21st century needed competences. Her studies addresses the development of digital competencies for members of the society outside the school environment, where most of the effort has been done.