And that’s how I ended up getting into asteroids

Who do you think studies and works with asteroids? Is there something you always wanted to know about these amazing bodies? Join us to find out that and more!

In this live broadcast you will meet various experts who, like asteroids, have followed very different trajectories to get to study different wonders of outer space.

30 June 2020 at 10:00 hrs (GMT-5: Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico), 17:00 hrs (CEST: Italy, Spain, UK), 12:00 GTM-4 (Chile), 9:00 GMT-6 (Costa Rica), 18:00 EEST (Finland), 16:00 WEST (Ireland)

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Dra. Guadalupe Cordero

México, Instituto de Geofísica de la UNAM

She studied Physics at the Faculty of Sciences of the UNAM, and Master's and Doctorate in Space Physics at the Postgraduate Course in Earth Sciences at the same university. During her doctorate, she did a research stay at Brown University where she worked with the images recently sent by the Galileo spacecraft. She did a post-doc at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid studying the formation of an orogen on Mars. Her main research lines are general planetary geophysics, impact cratering and the dynamics of cosmic objects through planetary atmospheres. In addition to her research activities, which she carries out in the Department of Space Sciences of the Institute of Geophysics of the UNAM, she dedicates part of her time to teaching and outreach activities. 

Dr. Rodolfo Barniol

Ecuador, California State University Sacramento

He is a theoretical astrophysicist. He received his PhD from the University of Texas at Austin. His research focuses on high-energy astrophysics, especially gamma ray bursts, compact objects, plasma astrophysics, jet physics, accretion physics, and tidal disruption events.Rodolfo Barniol Duran is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at California State University Sacramento.

Dr. Santiago Torres

México, Observatorio de Leiden

He is an astrophysicist whose work focuses on the dynamic interaction of celestial bodies such as: asteroids, comets, stars and black holes. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Leiden Observatory in the Netherlands, where he did his doctoral studies. He is the creator of the collective: Science-Art, which promotes collaboration between artists and scientists. In general he is passionate about life and the planet.

Yaleidys Paola Hernández

Colombia, Universidad Técnica de Bolívar

Physics, graduated from the University of Cordoba in 2005, with a line of work in composite materials from the experimental part. Currently, she is teaching physics at the Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar, where she also studied a master's degree in engineering and is about to graduate with a research project in the area of renewable energies. Since 2018, he leads from the faculty of basic sciences the extracurricular in astronomy for the students of the different faculties of the university. In this, they hold regional meetings, in addition to belonging to the Caribbean astronomical network.

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